Tuesday, June 16, 2009

NO cure, but there is hope that we can probably slow the bastard down!

A visit to Assoc Prof Dr Paul Mainwaring at the Mater hospital - Division of medical oncology is always an entertaining experience.He always gets excitedwhen I arrive with some research papers that I have read and I always walk out with some homework to do. That suits me fine, as I enjoy trying to understand exactly what I am dealing with.Dr Paul has recently returned from a trip to the United States and He says that there are a swag of new developments in the use of drugs to control (ie. slow the progression of)low grade gliomas like mine. Tonight's homework is to find out as much as possible about the effectiveness and side effects of the following list of drugs:
Celecoxib(Ialready have information on this one, as David Walker recommended it:-))


  1. How much is he paying you as his research assistant? [But at least he doesn't pretend to have the answer and exclude you from discussions]. Keep posting! - Ian

  2. My poor old brain is obviously still a bit shell shocked from Having Dr Walker digging around in there. It took a long time for the penny to drop, but That first drug"Optiens" was just the Word "Options" written at the top of the list! D'oh!
