Sunday, September 15, 2019

Bridge to Brisbane 2019 - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

In the interest of being frank and honest on this blog I have to say that my latest attempt to run Brisbane's biggest Fun Run, the 10Km (6 Mi) Bridge to Brisbane, was an unmitigated disaster. Having turned 65 in August I was determined to prove that I could still do this. While I did manage to finish, it was only by taking walking rests every kilometre and my time of 1:56:31 can only be described as embarrassing. I have been unable to get rid of excess fat on my belly over the last few years and that has caused me to adopt a dreadful running style whereby I lean back to counter-balance my fat belly. In the "run" this position strained my lower back and by the 6Km mark I was in quite a bit of pain. As if that was not enough, I also jarred my right knee on a downhill section and I started to lean to the left to protect my right knee. So then I was leaning back AND to the left! What a joke this old man was. The photos illustrate the Good, the Bad and the Ugly that was my Bridge to Brisbane 2019.


Not looking too bad here although the Lady behind seems to think I'm pretty funny!
Entering the Finish shute and happy it was all over

Looking pretty weird as I approach the finish

Absolutely Knackered as I cross the finish line


Here comes old leaning tower of Pisa. Will he topple over before crossing the finish line?