Monday, November 2, 2009

St James Walkway, Lewis Pass - New Zealand

Starting the St James Walkway after a fresh dump of snow the night before.


  1. Bit different to spring in Brisbane - a little bit more snow!

  2. You missed the Melbourne Cup - but I guess it was worth it : ) JennyTB

  3. Obviously a bit cooler there than Brisbane. We're having a few hot ones here this week. Enjoy the holiday. Take care. cheers gk

  4. Hi Laurie, I've watched your progress closely. This is truly great to see. Well done! Take care, Tamara PS: It's also the first time I've worked out the correct profile to enter to post the comment. Works this time!

  5. Happy New Year! I am working on improving my blogroll- Cancer Blogs - at Being Cancer Network where your own blog is presently listed. One of the things I want to do is to improve the 800 blog entries, making them more useful for readers.

    Check to see if information is correct. Please let me know your specific cancer diagnosis - the medical term. Also the year you were diagnosed and anything else you think is relevant for the listing such as a transplant. If you have written a book or memoir, I can feature it in a special Cancer Book List section. Please include the name of your blog in the email so I can put the information in the correct listing.

    Cancer Blogs I & II has been a very popular (over 8000 visits) and valuable resource for folks. It allows people to view what others with a similar diagnoses have gone through. And it brings additional attention and traffic to survivor’s blogs. It is helping to build a strong, vibrant community of survivors.

    Please consider adding Being Cancer Network to your blogroll if you have not already done so.

    Please see my January 10 post - New Year’s New Face - for additional changes in the website. WIshing you a happy and healthy new year.

    Dennis Pyritz, RN
    leukemia & transplant survivor

  6. Nice blog!!! And good thought too!! I love the blog!!
