Dear followers,
Now I’ve had a @#$&*# stroke!
Can you believe it? That was most certainly NOT on my radar! A tumour recurrence maybe (and that’s why I have an MRI check every four months), but not this thing which has weakened my left arm and made my left hand pretty useless. They reckon my hand will recover with enough therapy, but it will take months! I suppose I’m lucky that it really is a mild stroke and I just need to soldier on with the rehab.
The stroke was an Ischaemic stroke, meaning a blockage caused by blood clot or plaque. The blockage was near the area of previous surgeries for the brain tumour, but I haven’t had a good explanation for why that should be the case. It could be just coincidence and I may have had the stroke regardless of the Oligo.
My first rehab exercise was to unscrew these wing-nuts with my left hand.
The light in this photo also highlights the lumps and bumps I have in my skull as a result of the three craniotomies I’ve had over the years to deal with my Oligo.