Sunday, October 26, 2014

A return to running

Running the 5Km Twilight Bay Run at Wynnum
I must have been lucky in the genetic lottery because I have always enjoyed running and find that I don't normally get injuries if I'm sensible with my training. The only problem now is that I am getting older (turned sixty in August this year) and my body needs three days to recover after a training run so I am down to only two runs per week. Still, that's enough for a slow build up in fitness sufficient to participate in the Fun Runs around Brisbane. My main Goal was the 10Km Bridge-to-Brisbane which was held early in September. That Run is so uplifting because you are surrounded by thousands of fit people, there are live bands playing music along the course and the excitement of the crowd lifts your spirits. When you run into that finish area at the Brisbane Exhibition Grounds it is almost like an out-of-body experience because your mind is soaring so high you are hardly aware of the complaints coming from your muscles. Participating in a Major Fun Run is something I hope everybody gets to experience at least once in their life.

Running in the 10Km Bridge to Brisbane Run - September 2014

Approaching the finish line in the 5Km St Lucia Twilight Run, a part of my preparation for Bridge to Brisbane Run

Crossing the Green Bridge in the 5Km St Lucia Twilight Run

Running in the 5Km St Lucia Twilight Run, revelling in beautiful surroundings and feeling the body motoring along. It doesn't get much better than this!