When I tell people that I have a benign brain tumour it is amazing how many immediately assume that I will be seeking out the latest alternative cancer cure. Be it vitamins, herbs, juice diets or some other therapy, the fact that I don't even have Cancer does not seem to matter. There usually follows some anecdotal story about "Uncle Fred" who used this therapy and was miraculously cured after the [evil] Doctors told him there was nothing more they could do for him.The anecdote is meant to be evidence of the effectiveness of the cure and if I start asking more questions about Uncle Fred's specific case it usually does not take long before I am accused of being Closed Minded. I think alternative therapies would only be considered as a last resort if the patient had tried everything that evidence-based medicine had to offer. It certainly would not be a first option for me.
Australian comedian Tim Minchin sums it up beautifully in his hilarious YouTube video: