1990 First seizure during sleep
Detail from a CT scan done Sept 1990 showing a dark shadow which would have been the tumour but was dismissed at the time.
1991 Increased dose of Dilantin after second seizure
1992-1993 More seizures with increasing frequency
July 1993 CT Scan
Sept 1993 MRI Scan reports “…an atypical low grade cystic glial or neuronal tumour such as a ganglioglioma could not be excluded”
An image from the MRI scan done September 1993. The tumour is clearly visible as the white area on the left side of the image. (Note that the image is the view looking up from underneath and the tumour is on the right side of the brain.)
Nov 1993 Craniotomy performed by Dr Michael Redmond at PA Hospital. Pathology reported an astrocytoma grade 2.
Mar 1994 Follow up CT scan – “No evidence of residual or recurrent tumor”
Mar 1995 Follow up CT scan – “No evidence of tumour recurrence”
May 1995 Follow up CT scan – “No evidence of tumour recurrence”
April 1997 Follow up CT scan – “No evidence of tumour recurrence”
July 1998 Follow up CT scan – “No evidence of tumour recurrence”
Aug 1999 Follow up CT scan – “No change…”
Aug 2001 Follow up CT scan – “No change…”
Oct 2006 Another seizure while asleep. Tests showed low level of Dilantin. CT scan showed “… local recurrence of the previously treated glioma”
Nov 2006 MRI Scan reports “…3.6 x 3 x 3.6cm lesion…suggestive of recurrent right frontal glioma”
Nov 2006 Second Craniotomy performed by Dr Michael Redmond at Mater Private Hospital. Pathology reported oligodendroglioma grade 2.
Dec 2006 Supplementary pathology report (FISH study) ordered by Dr Paul Mainwaring shows no deletions of 1p or 19q
Dec 2006 Follow-up MRI Scan at Mater Public Radiology reports “…appearances are suggestive of residual low grade glioma”
An MRI image taken one month after surgery in 2006.
May 2007 Follow-up MRI Scan at Mater Public Radiology reports “…appearances are consistent with recurrent tumour.” Further evaluation by Michael Redmond found that enlargement referred to the cavity within the tumour and no evidence of growth of tumour.
Nov 2007 Follow-up MRI Scan at Mater Public Radiology
May 2008 Follow-up MRI Scan at Mater Public Radiology
Jan 2009 Follow-up MRI Scan at Mater Public Radiology reports “…on MRS there is a shift in the NAA/Choline ratio suggesting active disease adjacent to the corpus callosum…slight progression in comparison with examination of 1/5/08…” My Neurologist, Dr Noel Saines, observes that I am very fit and healthy and suggests a further period of "Watch and Wait".
May 2009
MRI image showing proximity of second recurrence of tumour to Corpus Collosum |
Decide to get second opinion from Dr David Walker of
Briz Brain & Spine who I had heard speak at the Brain Tumour Support Service of the Queensland Cancer Council and was impressed by his manner. David sent me for a PET scan to get an idea on whether it was still a low-grade tumour which gave a negative result for malignacy. However, alarmingly, he noted that the tumour was close to the Corpus Collosum and he said the while it was currently "eminently resectible", if it invades the Corpus Collosum it may progress to the other side of the brain with unknown consequences. He advised surgery followed up with radiation therapy. I also saw Radiation Oncologist Dr David Schlect and he suggested the same course of action. Thirdly, I consulted Dr Michael Redmond who had performed my first two craniotomies in 1993 and 2006. He agreed with all that I have been told by David Walker and David Schlect. Specifically that:
- the tumour has grown since May 2007
- it does not appear to be malignant yet
- it will become inoperable if left to invade the corpus callosum
- I should have surgery followed by radiation therapy
- I should act sooner rather than later
Further, he recommended that the surgery should be as aggressive as possible this time.
May29, 2009
Craniotomy #3 performed at St Andrew's Hospital, Brisbane by Dr David Walker, Briz Brain & Spine
July15, 2009
Began combined Radiation and Chemo (temozolomide) therapy
August 28, 2009
Completed combined Radiation (160 Gray delivered in 30 partial doses) and Chemo therapy
March, 2010
Started 12 month Chemotherapy (temozolomide) using a 28-day cycle of 5 days on drug followed by 23 days with no drug. Then a blood test before proceeding with next cycle.
March 2011
Completed 12 month Chemotherapy